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GEPCO Eid Bonus 2022, GEPCO Bonus Office Order, GEPCO BoD Approved

GEPCO Eid Bonus 2022, GEPCO Bonus Office Order, GEPCO BoD Approved
No. 26.37/93339-110/GA-139-145 Dated: 2-3 /04/2022 

OFFICE ORDER Board of Directors GEPCO, through its Resolution No.16 dated 22.04.2022 has been pleased to accord approval of Ex-Gratia payment of one month's running basic pay to all Regular / Contract / Deputation / Daily wages employees on the payroll of GEPCO as on 30.04.2022, as per following parameters:-a) It will be admissible to all employees (Regular / Contract / Deputation I Daily wages) working on the payroll of OEPCO for six months or more on 30th April 2022. b) Daily wages employees must have been originally appointed at least one year back from 30 April 2022. The daily wages employees will be allowed Ex-Gratia payment equivalent to the pay determined by adding the number of increments corresponding to their number of years served so far to the minimum of the pay scale. c) The regular employees/contract employees hired on pay scales will be allowed one month of running basic pay. d) 70% of the lump sum pay package to contract employees hired on market-based salary will be considered as their basic salary. e) The employees involved in acts of misconduct, corruption, then of electricity, embezzlement, fraud and unethical act / gross misconduct, etc. will not be entitled. 1) The employees, who are under any inquiry/investigation In the department as well as in NAEVFIA etc. will not be eligible. In case of exoneration from the charges, the employee will be entitled to this Ex-Gratin payment. g) The employees on extra-ordinary leave or on deputation abroad will not be entitled. h) The employees who have been penalized under E&D Rules "Major Penalty" during the last year will not be entitled. 0 The employees who are under suspension or remained it months during the last one-year arc are not entitled. 

Copy to: I) All GMs/ CEs under GEPCO. 2) Chief Financial Officer GEPCO. 3) Chief Internal Auditor GEPCO. 4) All DGs/ Addl. DGs under GEPCO. 5) Company Secretary GEPCO with reference to above please. 6) All ManagersfPDs under GEPCO. 7) Dy. Managers Civil / RTC GEPCO Gujranwala. 8) MS WAPDA I lospital Oujranwala. 9) Addl. Manager (Security) GEPCO. I 0)GEPCO Grammar Schools at Gujmnwala, Gujrat & Sialkot. I I ) Master file 

1 comment

Naeem ul Ghani said...

I need tax certificate this number/02124140819000

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