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GEPCO New Connection Application Procedure, Tracking, Status, Demand Notice Fee

GEPCO New Connection Application Procedure, Tracking, Status, Demand Notice Fee, 
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gepco new connection, gepco new connection application, gepco new connection tracking, gepco new connection status, gepco new connection demand notice fee, gepco new meter tracking

Information desired from GEPCO relative to subject matters covered by this Manual may be
obtained by personal call, by telephone, or by mail and is also available on the web: www.gepco.com.pk.
The local office of the area is the main contact office where a separate window is available in addition to
the consumer service centers established by GEPCO, to provide all necessary information required
regarding application for new connections and all other matters relating to consumer services and
provision of electric power services.
(a) Application and Power Supply Contract (A&PSC) Forms in English and Urdu are
available free of charge in each sub-divisional/divisional/circle office of GEPCO and on
GEPCO webpage.
(b) An applicant shall be required to fill in the forms and attach the required supporting
documents as detailed therein.
(c) Any assistance or information required in filling the application form shall be provided to
the applicant by GEPCO staff in the office where form is to be submitted.
(d) Application for new connection can be submitted at GEPCO concerned office in person
or by registered mail. A receipt as acknowledgement of the forms shall be issued by
GEPCO office.
Documents to be attached with the Application and Power Supply Contract are as follows:
(a) Ownership proof of the premises (where connection is required) as determined by
(b) An affidavit from the owner of the premises to the effect that no connection existed
previously at the premises for which connection is applied for and that he shall pay
GEPCO any outstanding dues in respect of any previous connection which existed at the
premises in question, if noticed later on.
(c) “No Objection Certificate” from the landlord (if the applicant is a tenant along with
landlord’s proof of ownership and affidavit mentioned above).
(d) Attested copies of CNIC of the applicant and two witnesses.
(e) The power of attorney (in case of a Company), in favor of the applicant to the effect that
the applicant is authorized to sign the application and execute agreement on behalf of the
(f) If the connection is applied in the name of a company, duly incorporated under the law,
then following additional documents shall be attached:-
i) Certificate of incorporation;
ii) Resolution of Board of Directors authorizing a person to sign and
execute the application and agreement form;
iii) Charge creation certificate issued by the Securities and Exchange
Commission of Pakistan equivalent to the amount of security;
iv) List of directors with complete addresses and copies of their
computerized national identity cards.
(g) Available site plan of industry/premises where connection is required.
(h) In case of change of name/extension or reduction of load, a certificate from the Revenue
Office, GEPCO to the effect that no arrears are outstanding against the premises along with proof
of ownership/NOC. Wiring test report would be required in case of extension/reduction of load.
(a) After the receipt of Application Form along with the required documents GEPCO
Office shall issue an acknowledgement receipt and a serial number to the
applicant for further reference/processing etc. Based on the site inspection, the
application will be evaluated/processed and approved as per the provisions of
Consumer Eligibility Criteria, Grid Code and Distribution Code (where
applicable). A demand notice of cost estimate and security amount shall
subsequently be issued by GEPCO office for payment by the applicant.
(b) Demand Notices for Service Connection cost and Security Deposit shall be sent
under registered post or courier to ensure their delivery to the applicant or
applicant may receive it personally, for that receipt may be obtained from
applicant for record.
i) For payment, branches of designated banks authorized to receive the
Demand Notice charges, etc. shall be intimated to the applicant. The
bank shall receive payment as per demand notice and issue an
acknowledgement receipt etc.
ii) Subsequent to the deposit of payment mentioned in the demand notices
the applicant shall execute the power supply contract with GEPCO in
iii) GEPCO shall determine new final priority number of connection to each
application after the demand notices have been paid and wiring test
report submitted subject to the exemption granted under the policy of

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