
Showing posts with the label Mohsin Raza Khan

Change Management Training Workshop in GEPCO Headquarters Chaired by CEO GEPCO Mohsin Raza Khan

Change Management Training Workshop in GEPCO Headquarters Chaired by CEO GEPCO Mohsin Raza Khan Searches related to Change Management Training Workshop in GEPCO Headquarters Chaired by CEO GEPCO Mohsin Raza Khan mohsin raza khan gepco gepco seniority list

GEPCO Introduced Special Electricity Package for Consumers, GEPCO CEO Mohsin Raza Khan

Gujranwala Electric Power Company (GEPCO) chief executive Mohsin Raza Khan has said that a special package has been introduced for the business community on the directive of the Secretary Power Division Irfan Ali, under which the winter months are November, December, January and February. All additional units will be charged only at Rs. 11.97 per unit when the power is consumed in the same month of last year. He expressed these views during a meeting with the Gujranwala Chamber of Commerce and Industries. Presidential Chamber Mian Omar Saleem, Vice President Mohammad Asgharbat, Chamber officials Waqas Ahmed, Nair Jamil Bhatti, Mohammad Azhar Aslam, Afaq Ayub and other members were also present on the occasion. Chief Executive Mohsin Raza Khan said that the Government of Pakistan has introduced this special package for the promotion and development of industry and commerce and business through which all B-1, B-2, B-3 connections and all TOU-3 phase commercial and domestic. Consumers ca...

GEPCO, AC premises monitoring, actions

GEPCO, AC premises monitoring, actions

GEPCO imposed BAN on Electricity Bills installments

GEPCO imposed BAN on Electricity Bills installments GEPCO, GEPCO News, Bill Installments, GEPCO Recovery, GEPCONews, Mohsin Raza Khan, CEO GEPCO,