
Showing posts with the label GEPCOBonus

GEPCO Eid Bonus 2021, GEPCO Latest News, Bonus2021, GEPCO Eid Bonus

Gujranwala Electric Power Company Gujranwala Contact No. 9200519-26 (214) OFFICE OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, GEPCO LTD. Fav:086-9200122 865-A, MODEL TOWN GEPCO HEADQUARTERS G.T. ROAD GUJRANWALA {ADMN & SERVICES SECTION) OFFICE ORDER Board of Directors, GEPCO in its 129" meeting held on 06-07-2021, vide agenda item No. 4.1,hos accorded approval for grant of one month's honorarium to all regular / contract / daily wages GEPCO employees, as per following parameters:- The subject Honorarium will be admissible to all GEPCO employees working on regular /contract / daily wages basis. The The length of service of the GEPCO employees (Regular/Contrac/Daily Wagers) should be six months or more on the date of approval of subject bonus by BOD GEPCO i.e. 06-07-2021. For daily wages employees, one month pay will be calculated with reference to their corresponding pay scales and on the basis of working days of the immediately preceding month. 70% o...