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GEPCO Revised Policy and Procedures by PEPCO, Service Rules, Disciplinary Policy, Code of Conduct, Employees Grievance


Tele: 0559200519-26 (220) Office of the Chief Executive Officer, GEPCO, Fax: 0559200122 565-A,  Model Town, Gujranwala (HRM Section)

OFFICE OROER No. 732/27606-54 /File No, GEPCO Dated: 21 /09 /2021

BOD GEPCO in its 133 meeting held on 27-08-2021 against agenda item No. 12, has accorded  approval to adopt the following 28 Nos. of Policies issued by PEPCO vide letter No. GM(HRVPEPCO/AMA/A-400 (1)/1245-57 dated 29-06-2021, in GEPCO with effect from 27-08-2021:-

GEPCO, GEPCO Revised Policy, GEPCO Service Rules, Disciplinary Policy, Code of Conduct, Employees Grievance, PEPCO Policy, GEPCO HRM Section, CEO GEPCO, GEPCO News, GEPCO Health Policy, GEPCO HRIS, GEPCO Deputation Policy

1. GEPCO Service Rules

2. GEPCO Anti-Harassment Policy.

3. GEPCO Disciplinary Policy.

4. GEPCO Employee Code of Conduct Policy.

5. GEPCO Compensation and Benefit Policy.

6. GEPCO Employees Grievance and Redressal Policy.

7. GEPCO Employment Policy.

8. GEPCO Health Policy,

9. GEPCO Learning and Development Policy.

10. GEPCO Performance Management Policy Performance evaluation system/Seniority Policy.

11. GEPCO Vehicle Management System (VMS).

12. GEPCO Transfer Posting Policy.

13. GEPCO HRIS supported automated office Notification.

14. GEPCO HRIS Profile Locking System Online Scholarship Form, Vacancy Statement & Future Retirement Report.

15. GEPCO Online House Allocation Information.

16. GEPCO Deputation Policy.

17. GEPCO Collaborative office Management System.

18. GEPCO Online attendance management and leave approvals.

19. GEPCO Travel Management System.

20. GEPCO Tender & Invoice Monitoring System.

21. GEPCO Fixed Assets System.

22. GEPCO Regulatory Monitoring System.

23. Business SMS System.

24. GEPCO SOP on Prohibition of encashment of Cheque.

25. GEPCO SOP for Temporary Advances

26. GEPCO SOP for Reconciliation of dismantied tower material with newly issued material for rehabilitation.

27. GEPCO SOP for material given to contractors on loan basis.

28. GEPCO SOP for disposal of unserviceable Material.

The above policies will supersede the existing policies / SOPs / Procedures on the subject (if available).

Note: BOD GEPCO has further directed the relevant department to review the said Policies in progression within one & half months, or arrange an independent review of some professional, submit the revised policy highlighting the changes with respect to the curre policies in vogue and also the deviation (if any) from the policies sed by the PEPCO to respective committee of the BOD.

Copy to:


> General Manager (HR) PEPCO, WAPDA House, Lahore w.r to above, please.

>  AIlG.Ms/C.Es/D.Gs under GEPCO.

> Chief Health, Safety & Environment officer GEPCO.

> Chief Financial Officer, GEPCO, Gujranwala.

> Addi. D.G (Legal) GEPCO HQ, Gujranwala.

> The Company Secretary of GEPCO, Gujranwala.

> Head of internal Audit, GEPCO, Gujranwala.

> Alt SEs / Managers / PDs under GEPCO,

> Medical Superintendent, WAPDA Hospital, Gujranwala.

> Dy. Managers Transport /PMC/Civil/ Security! PR ? WMC / RTC/ Vigitance) of GEPCO.

> Headmistress, cere aS School, Gujranwala,

A.Ms (HR) Promotion/Recruitment/ Confidential /A&S j

> incharge HRMIS Cell GEPCO, Guranwaie setlon GEPCO, Gujranwala.

> Web Master with an advised to upload the all above polices on GEPCO official website

> Master File

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