
Showing posts with the label LESCO News

LESCO Barred to Charge Detection Bill to Electricity Consumers


LESCO's major initiative to end bribery.

Oath was administered to all officers and employees. On the instructions of Chief Executive Engineer Shahid Haider, all officers and employees including functional heads were sworn in to eliminate corruption and bribery from LESCO. I will take bribes, I will not give bribes and I will protect both the bribe giver and the receiver. * I will not do any wrong thing by being influenced by someone's recommendation and I will recommend wrong thing by myself. Speaker LESCO I will not knowingly do anything that will damage the reputation of my country, nation and LESCO. I will avoid lying, backbiting, slander and breaking promises.

LESCO News, LESCO CEO, Azia Shoaib, Director HR LESCO

LESCO News, LESCO CEO, Azia Shoaib, Director HR LESCO LESCO News, LESCO CEO, Azia Shoaib, Director HR LESCO  

LESCO, Shortage of Electricity Meters, Transformers, Consumers allowed to buy goods from private companies.

Electricity meters, transformers run out in Lesco, the company has allowed electricity consumers to buy supplies directly from private companies due to supply crisis. Due to the shortage of dollars in the country, the federal government banned export goods and added electricity meters, transformers, pole conductors and other electrical equipment to the list of prohibited goods and added their special codes, the list of which is State Bank and F. Issued by FBR.