
Showing posts from February, 2022

MR to MRS-II Result of DPT Course C-250 17-01-2022 to 11-02-2022 at RTC GEPCO Nandipur Gujranwala

 MR to MRS-II Result of DPT Course C-250 17-01-2022 to 11-02-2022 at RTC GEPCO Nandipur Gujranwala MR to MRS-II Result of DPT Course C-250 17-01-2022 to 11-02-2022 at RTC GEPCO Nandipur Gujranwala

GEPCO ALM Job, Appointment Letter Conditions, Sample Appointment Letter

GEPCO ALM Job, Appointment Letter Conditions, Sample Appointment Letter Subject: OFFER OF APPOINTMENT AS ASSISTANT LINEMAN (ALM) UNDER GEPCO ON LUMPSUM PAY PACKAGE NEITHER CONVERTIBLE CONTRACT NOR ON REGULAR BASIS. You are hereby informed that you have been appointed as Assistant Lineman (ALM) under GEPCO on a Lumpsum Pay Package basis. The following terms & conditions will apply:  1. Your monthly lumpsum pay package inclusive of all allowances will be @ Rs.25,500/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousands and Five Hundred only). 2. Your tenure of engagement shall be for three (03) years period from the date of joining. The period may be further extended depending upon the company's need and evaluation of your performance. 3. You should not be placed on the regular seniority list of the cadre/post. 4. Your services shall not be convertible to regular cadre. 5. You shall be governed under the “principle of master & servant". 6. You may claim traveling allowance for journeys perfor...

Medical for GEPCO ALM, Instruction for Medical Checkup for GEPCO Jobs, WAPDA Hospital Gujranwala

Medical for GEPCO ALM, Instruction for Medical Checkup for GEPCO Jobs, WAPDA Hospital Gujranwala. The newly appointed Assistant Lineman (ALM) are advised to visit United Bank Sheikhupura Road Branch near Trade Center Gujranwala for depositing Rs. 1225/- with account number 274560051 (MS Wapda Hospital Gujranwala). After depositing come with the receipt at WAPDA Hospital Gujranwala.  

Jobs as CEO GEPCO, Position Vacant as Chief Executive Officer GEPCO

  Position vacant in GEPCO as CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Gujranwala Electric Power Company (GEPCO), a leading Public Electric Utility Company, endeavoring to provide uninterrupted electric supply to more than 4 million valued consumers with more than 11,000 employees is seeking the services of a professional having Pakistani Nationality with strong academic credentials and vast experience of large organizations/group of companies as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) GEPCO. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY: • The Chief Executive Officer will report to the Board of Directors (GEPCO) during the tenure of the contract and will work closely with BOD in the development of a strategic plan to advance the Company's mission and objectives as well as to promote transparency and enhance revenue. • The Candidate must demonstrate leadership skills, possess management and team building experience, and have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. • The candidate must possess the ability to work as ...

GEPCO Final List of Selected ALM (Assistant Lineman), ALM Final List,

GEPCO (Gujranwala Electric Power Company) has issued the final result/list of selected candidates for the post of ALM (Assistant Lineman) on a contract basis. The appointment letters for the said post have been posted/dispatched to the selected candidate's home address. The district-wise list/names of selected candidates can be seen from the following links. District Gujranwala (Open Merit Quota) Click Here District Hafizabad (Open Merit Quota) Click Here District Mandi Babahuddin (Open Merit Quota) Click Here District Gujrat (Open Merit Quota) Click Here District Sialkot (Open Merit Quota) Click Here

GEPCO Meter Readers Promotion, Document Required for Promotion to Next Scale, MR Upgradation Orders

Subject: COMPLETION OF RECORD FOR TIME SCALE UP-GRADATION. he following information / documents in respect of METER READER. A Work and conduct report 4 No inquiry / disciplinary case pending certificate A  in the present cadre along with copies of LOE & penalizes order 4 No. Audit / Draft / Summary Para pending certificate from authorized offices where the official posted the capacity of present cadre duly signed by Manager Concerned it any Audit Para was pending and later on provide the detail of the same also 4 ACRs lor the years 2017 to 2021 duly completed / written by  along with certificate regarding the correctness of supporting channel of ACAs duly signed by respected Manager A attested copy of result notification of DPE A attested copy of Departmental Promotion Training (DPT). A Attested copy all Academic degree duly veriied from concerned Board / HEC. 4 Undertaking in respect of those officials wh have not passed DPE / DPT signed by official and countersigned by c...

GEPCO, Education Scholarship Grant for Employees Children 2021-22

In pursuance of office order No. 1881/40403-453/GA-139 dated 29-11-2018, Chief Executive Officer GEPCO has been pleased to sanction Education Scholarship for the children of GEPCO Serving Employees / Retired / Widows and invalidated Employees for the financial year 2021-2022. GEPCO, Education Scholarship Grant for Employees Children 2021-2022