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GEPCO ALM Job, Appointment Letter Conditions, Sample Appointment Letter

GEPCO ALM Job, Appointment Letter Conditions, Sample Appointment Letter


You are hereby informed that you have been appointed as Assistant Lineman (ALM) under GEPCO on a Lumpsum Pay Package basis. The following terms & conditions will apply: 

1. Your monthly lumpsum pay package inclusive of all allowances will be @ Rs.25,500/- (Rupees Twenty Five Thousands and Five Hundred only).

2. Your tenure of engagement shall be for three (03) years period from the date of joining. The period may be further extended depending upon the company's need and evaluation of your performance.

3. You should not be placed on the regular seniority list of the cadre/post.

4. Your services shall not be convertible to regular cadre.

5. You shall be governed under the “principle of master & servant".

6. You may claim traveling allowance for journeys performed in the interest of company work as admissible under the GEPCO Policy.

7. In case you leave GEPCO service at any time during the training or before completion of the initial period as mentioned in the appointment letter you shall defray to GEPCO the total training cost as liquidated damaged in addition to the amount of salary received during training plus expenses of lodging and boarding if any, borne by company.

8. Before assuming the duty, you will furnish a Surety Bond of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) by two Sureties liable jointly as well as separately that you will serve the GEPCO for the whole period including the following undertakings as well.

i. GEPCO reserves the right to terminate your services without assigning any reason.

ii. If you want to resign/leave the service, one month notice or one month pay of notice at any time before completion/expiry of your period of 3 years alongwith payment of bond mony of Rs.50,000/-.

iii. Your services can be terminated without any notice, if you are found guilty of dishonesty, misconduct, negligence, in-discipline or breach of rules, ruding the period.


Anonymous said...

Sir aik latter ki malomat chahiye agar ap provide kar sakin BD Aur MR ky piece of work ki .

Copy Checker said...

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