GEPCO Meter Reading Through Authorized Meter Readers, CEO Instructions about Meter Reading in GEPCO

GEPCO Meter Reading Through Authorized Meter Readers, This is conveyed to all Superintending Engineers (Operation) under GEPCO Gujranwala that CEO Instructions about Meter Reading in GEPCO. During the field inspections, Chief Executive Officer GEPCO has noticed that reading (other than general connections) is not being taken by the authorized Meter Readers. CEO GEPCO has shown displeasure with this act. You are directed to ensure in your jurisdiction regarding meter reading by an Authorized/ responsible official/officer. In case of non-compliance, strict action will be initiated against both, who were taking the reading un-authorized and authorized official/officer as well as in-charge convey the clear cut instruction and ensure compliance.
GEPCO Meter Reading Through Authorized Meter Readers, This is conveyed to all Superintending Engineers (Operation) under GEPCO Gujranwala that CEO Instructions about Meter Reading in GEPCO. During the field inspections, Chief Executive Officer GEPCO has noticed that reading (other than general connections) is not being taken by the authorized Meter Readers. CEO GEPCO has shown displeasure with this act. You are directed to ensure in your jurisdiction regarding meter reading by an Authorized/ responsible official/officer. In case of non-compliance, strict action will be initiated against both, who were taking the reading un-authorized and authorized official/officer as well as in-charge convey the clear cut instruction and ensure compliance.
GEPCO Meter Reading Through Authorized Meter Readers, This is conveyed to all Superintending Engineers (Operation) under GEPCO Gujranwala that CEO Instructions about Meter Reading in GEPCO. During the field inspections, Chief Executive Officer GEPCO has noticed that reading (other than general connections) is not being taken by the authorized Meter Readers. CEO GEPCO has shown displeasure with this act. You are directed to ensure in your jurisdiction regarding meter reading by an Authorized/ responsible official/officer. In case of non-compliance, strict action will be initiated against both, who were taking the reading un-authorized and authorized official/officer as well as in-charge convey the clear cut instruction and ensure compliance.

GEPCO Meter Reading Through Authorized Meter Readers, This is conveyed to all Superintending Engineers (Operation) under GEPCO Gujranwala that CEO Instructions about Meter Reading in GEPCO. During the field inspections, Chief Executive Officer GEPCO has noticed that reading (other than general connections) is not being taken by the authorized Meter Readers. CEO GEPCO has shown displeasure with this act. You are directed to ensure in your jurisdiction regarding meter reading by an Authorized/ responsible official/officer. In case of non-compliance, strict action will be initiated against both, who were taking the reading un-authorized and authorized official/officer as well as in-charge convey the clear cut instruction and ensure compliance.

Issued by 
Customer Service Director, GEPCO Headquarters Gujranwala


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